Friday, March 27, 2009

Barney is GAY!!!

At the cost of sounding like an MCP and a homophobe (both of which i am not.. well okie.. mayb a lil of the latter), I just found out that the guy playin Barney is gay! Neil patrick Harris is GAY!!! The one man who stood out like a beacon for all men around the world, (well the civilized areas atleast tht dont tell their women to walk around shrouded like mummies) the man who lived the while totally shallow and yet 'awesome' life ever is gay! This was the man who slept with women faster than joey could say 'how u doin' and he's gay. Its jus sad... i mean no disrespect to gay men, its jus tht.. well... he was the epitome of the life most guys dream about.. immature but true and to find out tht the guy is actually gay... that jus destroys it totally! *sigh* Ah well... i guess it was there for all to see... the insistence to suit up, the weekly manicures and pedicures and even the bachelor pad, it reeked of good taste! I mean left to us we'd have the samurai sword from tht real bad tom cruise samurai movie, the bat-suit and a shelf full of the latest Batman comics! but i did like 2 things bout barney's place... the toilet seat tht never stays down and the porn shelf! NICE! Well gay or not... Barney Stinson... I'd be your wingman anyday!


  1. Lol you'd be his wingman SOLELY bcoz hez gay!! Come to think of it, i used to wonder how YOU of all ppl used a hv a decent(plz note I'm not sayin good here)taste!!

  2. aah my dear dear big bottomed one... jus cos one has taste doesn't mean one is gay but the opposite is generally true. but then again dahlin... dont tax ur tiny lil brain with such trivial matters... concentrate on the more important ones at hand... like remindin urself. left foot then right foot then left foot then right foot...

  3. Well well well.. ur beacon of hope is gay.. n ur a madrasi.. enuf said.. I believe gay or not Barney is a class apart. He defines a class act, wat we call as.. wait fr it... Legen...............................................................................................................................dary... legendary.........
