Monday, August 8, 2011


25. and i dont know the answers to any of the important questions. 42.. Douglas adams said that was the answer. 42 was the answer to the greatest question ever... Why are we here. What is our purpose. 42.... Was that the age u need to be? Is that the number of friends u need to have on facebook? The number of drinks you must have to illuminate the way? I say he didnt know what he was talkin about. I say it doesn't matter. But hey... I'm just 25. 42 is a long way away. 42 is a myth. 42 is a dream. 42 is a number. 25.

I ask the question... do YOU know why we are? Here's my view.. and it leans heavily on the final scenes of MIB. You know the one where they show this alien kid playin marbles with the milky way.. I think thats just it. There is no reason for us to exist. We are non essential beings 'living' and we strive to find reason for our existence. The alien "funskool" guys went all out when they made us. They went into the details and they said sure let these guys think for themselves. Here again i lean on Samit Basu for his interprentation.. a game is being played, the pawns are allowed to think they are in control, that they make a difference. We're guppies in an aquarium. Birds in a cage. Peas in a pod.25.

We think. we reason. we have two opposable thumbs so we can text faster than apes. Man that's cool.

We go to space. We explore the deepest seas. We go to antartica and we are sure that aliens visit us. Volcanoes erupt. Earthquakes and tsunami's claim millions and we blame techtonic plates and pray to the gods. Maybe the kid is just banging the milky way toy with his alien truck toy and causing all this. No god. No techtonic plates. Just a kid who likes to smash things together. 25. So there is no deeper meaning. All those men and women livin in the himalaya's, flying around with the birds and not feelin cold or hot or hunger or pain are just plain high. Sure they can hear the beat of a butterflies wings 25000 miles away and can see the pimple on the dimple of an ant... but now with nat geo HD... so can we. 25. So where does that leave us? do we work hard to make money just to exist? Do we just go on breathin everyday and then drop dead like goat droppings.. just falling by the wayside with no pattern to our fall? (thanks puneet) so then i ask you... why bother? 25. Why work and make money to buy nice things and gift nice things if ther is no purpose? Why love if you will eventually lose? Why read if we will eventually go blind? Why sing if we will eventually go dumb and why touch if you cannot feel. Feel. 25. Love. Hate. Anger. Joy. 25. "what is love"."hate is all i've been feeling lately". "Angry eyes". "Joy to the world". Music. is that just our way of sayin we dont giv a fuck? Then shouldn't we all be able to sing? not bray like the ever lovin shit was being kicked out of u by a girl. Shouldn't we all be able to dance.. not just sway our arms out of tune with the music and jiggle our head a lil. Life's not fair. 25. It isn't. Read all the cosmo u want to, u'l never have all the answers. Watch every porno u want to. u'll still practice on your own. study all the moves to impress a woman, the geek in class will still land the hottie. study ur ass off.. u'll just be a geek (with no hottie... i told u life wasn't fair). 25.

So i ask you... what do we do? Do we wait till we're 42, or for that 42nd time when everythin is illuminated or do we say screw it.. lets just get on with what we got. Forget that we can think. That we can see. That we can reason. that we can see huge holes in reason and blame it on coincidence. that we choose to be 25. 26. or 73. that we carry on pullin the load. What do we do? What is our reason? What do I do? Screw the world. Answer me. What do i do? Lay myself on the tracks and be run over or board the train and see wher it goes. Which train. What class? Who do i travel with? What do i carry? 25.

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